Mixx instead of Digg for fresh content

For the latest buzz on the web I start with popurls which aggregates content from Digg, Del.icio.us, Reddit and others.

Digg tends to have a lot of content about Apple which I tend to like. Del.icio.us has great web development and design techniques that keep me up to date on latest trends in my profession.

Mixx is the new kid on the block that provides different content from the usual popurls suspects. I like its tagging system. For example, Mixx has some great content on SEO that I’ve found incredibly useful and easy to find — content I normally wouldn’t see on the front page of Digg.

10 Reasons Not to Use Digg has some interesting insight into Digg and the comments for this entry show how competitive the Digg vs Mixx vs other content aggregators can be.

Posted in Web at 10:33 PM